Considerations to Make When Upgrading Your Furnace


A furnace is an essential addition to your home because it guarantees you a warm home during the cold winter months. When your furnace is inefficient and takes up much of your money facilitating repairs, it might be an excellent option to replace it, especially if it is old. Getting a new furnace is a significant investment, but it guarantees you more energy efficiency and a longer lifespan. The immense savings on your energy costs is one of the incentives to upgrade your furnace.

According to furnace installation experts at Air Makers, there are several considerations you need to make when upgrading your furnace.

The age of the existing furnace

Before you start searching for furnace installation in Toronto, it is good to consider the age of your current furnace. While upgrading to a new one may save you more on utility costs replacing a furnace too early is cost-inefficient. Evaluate the existing furnace with the help of a technician before investing in a new unit. You may be surprised that a minor repair is what your current furnace needs to improve its efficiency. Most quality furnaces can last up to 15-20years before they need a replacement.

The fuel source of your new unit

As you may already know, not all furnaces use the same fuel. A furnace operates on gas, electricity, or oil. Electric furnaces are affordable to buy and install, and you don’t have to worry about gas leaks. Gas furnaces are more energy-efficient and heat a building quickly than an electric furnace. However, oil-based furnaces also have a perk; they are cheaper because the oil market is healthy, so oil is affordable.

The best thing about modern furnace models is that they come equipped with higher fuel utilization efficiency compared to older furnace models. Ensure you consider all the variables to make an informed choice before choosing a furnace.

Zoning systems

If your home has inadequate ductwork to provide consistent heat throughout the house, this is a consideration to make. You may have to opt for zoning systems in different rooms in your home. For example, a secondary zoning system comes in handy for basements that tend to remain cold regardless of the temperature of the upper floors. Zoning systems let you heat a room as needed, including the basement. That increases your energy efficiency and enables rooms to adjust temperatures to their comfort levels.

Thermostat replacements

Modern thermostats are good for boosting the energy efficiency of your home. While a new furnace will operate efficiently with the existing thermostat, think about if you want to upgrade it too. Today, there are digital thermostats that you can easily preprogram depending on your heating needs. You can consider wireless and smartphone-operated versions of thermostats that you can remotely control, making your life easier.

The size

You must match the furnace BTU to the heating load of your home. An undersized or oversized furnace can be inefficient and costly to operate. Thankfully an experienced furnace installation expert can help you determine the best size of furnace for your home.

parting words

Have your new furnace installed by a professional furnace technician.

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