Worcester Homes Exterior Design Trends in 2022


Summer is just around the corner, and if you’re someone who lives in New England, then you know very well how exciting this is. After several months of winter, it’s time to break out the patio furniture, flowers, and summer decorations. If you’re someone who likes to stay on top of home design trends, don’t limit yourself to just the exterior of your home. Whether you’re making renovations to help sell your Worcester home fast, or just want to create a fresher look, we have some ideas for you! These are the best exterior design trends to try out on your home in Worcester this spring and summer.

Earthy and Darker Siding Colors

Give your home a bold and daring look this summer by implementing the use of darker, earthier colors. These include darker greens, browns, and rustic colors which give off a more natural and earth-like vibe. Choose siding colors that will contrast nicely with the trees and plants native to the area. Not only is this style color for siding particularly trendy, but it’s also perfect for keeping your home looking fresh and new, even in the winter months. Compared to whites and brights, these colors will help mask any dirt from the outside.

Elevated Outdoor Spaces

The northeast isn’t known for lovely winters, meaning that once the sun begins to shine, people are eager to get outside. Having a nice and comfortable space outside of your home to enjoy the nicer days is a must, and it’s huge in the design world right now. Depending on your preferences, you can install a new stone patio and even create a wooden pergola with outdoor lighting. The sky’s the limit with how you choose to create this space. Some more ideas include outdoor furniture, a fire pit/fireplace, and even a kitchen space for entertaining.

Natural Textures

The more natural look is all the rage these days, and adding some natural textures to the exterior of the home is perfect for an additional pop of style. What we mean by this is featuring textures like wood and cedar in the siding profile. Whether this means a new wooden door, some updated fascia, or even some window shutters, implementing these pieces can really do a lot to elevate your space.

Black Accents

If the more natural approach doesn’t fit the aesthetic of your home, you can still hop on the 2022 exterior design trend by implementing some black accents to the outside of your home. This is a more modern approach to design and is used in minimal splashes to create contrast and depth. Some places to consider using this trend are via doorways, porch pillars, window shutters, and doors. Your home will look exceptionally chic this spring and summer.

Stone Walkways

Another way to help boost curb appeal is to create walkways using stones or pavers. This look is natural, classic, and also very functional. Create a walkway through a garden or through your yard to the doorway. Not only will this provide a better mobility experience, but it will also add to the overall appearance.

Whether you need some guidance for selling your home or just want the best-looking house on the block, jumping on these exterior design trends is going to work in your favor. Implement some of these ideas this spring and summer and get creative with the way you do so!

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